1969 Elms
Nearly a century has passed
since Elmhurst students first strolled
beneath the spreading branches
of stately elms.
Since the founding of our alma mater,
the school has witnessed,
as well as experienced,
the hand of time
which has dealt kindly and generously
with our campus.
Thus a changing Elmhurst
is not a new phenomenon,
but the accelerated pace
and momentous magnitude
of the changing Elmhurst
of 1968-1969
are indeed unique
in comparison with developments
of previous years.
Activities Page 18
Athletics Page 88
Faculty and
Page 113
Students Page 150
A familiar beloved face departs
leaving memories of a dedicated individual
who helped to develop the Elmhurst campus
into a growing, expanding community.
The old submit to the new,
space is required,
buildings fall
Needs develop,
money is raised
and buildings rise
Field Experience
Traditional curriculums become obsolete,
and more relevant flexible curriculums
become the vogue.
OCTOBER 25iy*26iH'27iy
"A Funny Thing Happened .
Old friends meet at A lumni Reunion
Broadway, in all it's musical-come-
dy song and glamour, descended
upon the Elmhurst mall with the
1968 Homecoming "Broadway Our
Way." From the theatre depart-
ment's Forum in the gymnasium to
Lehmann Hall's winning float,
"Carousel," the campus emulated
the Great White Way. Friend 'n
Lover shattered the Chapel crowd
on Friday night, the stalwart Jays
sought a victory on Saturday after-
noon and Ronnie Rodgers serenad-
ed dancers at the Student Ball that
evening. Reigning over the week-
end's alumni strewn activities.
Queen Pat Johnson and her court
were at their loveliest.
Marilyn Walton entertains at the Dinkmeyer Christmas party.
As is true everyplace else, there was a flourish of activity on campus during
the Christmas season. The Annual Festival of Lessons and Carols was
presented in Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel, with Polyhymnia and Glee
Club providing the musical selections. The College Union Multi-purpose area
came alive at the sounds of the Christmas Cabaret, complete with band and
even Santa's helpers. Santa was present at the Annual Dinkmeyer Christmas
Party to receive gifts from various groups on campus. These were just a few of
the events that surrounded the EC campus during the hoUday season.
Annual Christmas Service in Hammerschmidt
BACHELOR'S HOLIDAY COURT: FRESHMEN: Mike McCargo, Craig Mernitz, SOPHOMORES: Bob Gibbs, George Caesar,
JUNIORS: Seth Smith, Mike Marsico, SENIORS: Dean Roberts, Roy Thrasher, King of Hearts Mark Hamilton
The weekend before Spring Vaca-
tion was devoted to Elmhurst's
male population and was for many
a Bachelor's Holiday. From Thurs-
day night's Variety Show through
the activities of the Midwest Jazz
Festival and culminating at the fan-
tasy-inspired "Alice in Wonder-
land" dance, the wallets of Elm-
hurst men enjoyed a unique period
as untouchable.
In anticipation of its 100th anniversary in 1971, EC held a
Centennial Consultation meeting in mid March. About 130
persons attended, including members of the Board of
Trustees, The President's Council of Business Associates,
alumni, Elmhurst residents, faculty and administrative rep-
resentatives, students and parents. Small consultation
groups met to discuss topics of interest and also heard three
EC grads speak on "Reminiscing."
During the week of April 21-25, the first Interna-
tional Studies Conference on Latin America was
held at Elmhurst. An event of national interest,
the conference received the attention of Washing-
ton dignitaries and the endorsement of Illinois
Governor Richard OgUvie. On campus, primary
sponsorship came from Pi Gamma Mu, social
science honorary, and Epsilon Chi, an affiliate of
Tau Kappa Epsilon.
r. ■ xr— ' 1
Black A rts
The first Black Arts Festival held at Elmhurst was arranged by
the Concerned Black Students in order to present program-
ming particularly relevant to the Black students at E.C. Among
the weekend's events were an Afro-fashion show, various
Afro-derived music form presentations and discussions, geared
to black contributions in the plastic and literary art forms.
S.G.A. EXECUTIVE BOARD: Stu Holman, treasurer; Ken Wyant, president; Marilyn Walton, vice chairman of Union Board; Dave Rota,
chairman of Union Board; Phyllis Schoewe, secretary; Wayne Kennedy, vice-president.
In the fall of 1968, students were
appointed by S.G.A. to previously
strictly faculty committees. This
move was indicative of the increas-
ing participation of Elmhurst stu-
dents in the actual operation of the
college and in the establishment of
policies and procedures. In another
action, it was decided to receive
student government office nomina-
tions solely through petitions rather
than a nominating committee; thus
any tacit "endorsement" was elimi-
nated. StUl another successful en-
deavor of the S.G.A. occurred in
the form of the March Leadership
Retreat held at Green Lake Wiscon-
sin. However, the thwarted elec-
tions brought the S.G.A. activities
to a rather abrupt stand still and
many problems concerning
1969-1970 programming and bud-
geting ensued.
S.G.A. UNION BOARD: Jim Peters, athletic life; Marilyn Walton, vice-chairman of Union Board; Dave
Rota, chairman of Union Board; Dave Jerger, religious life; Dave Kuebler, cultural-intellectual life.
Intellectual Life
A numerous and varied array of programs
were offered by the Cultural-Intellectual
Life Committee. In the way of music, the
Madrigals of Venice, the Cologne Chamber
Orchestra, and the refreshingly amusing, as
well as gifted, Los Indios Tabajaras. As for
speakers, Ralph de Tolendano, Stanley
Kauffmann, and Frank S. Meyer brought
their noted abilities before the Elmhurst
community in the lecture series. Last but
not least, the C-I film series presented
movies on Tuesdays and Fridays; "Mac-
beth," "Jules and Jim," and "The Grapes of
Wrath" were among the crowd-drawers.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
"Impact of Brass'
Harold Betters Quartet
Varsity Vagabonds'
With a Homecoming con-
cert starring "Friend 'n
Lover," Social Life, under
the chairmanship of Dean
Roberts, opened its sea-
son. Besides offering a va-
riety of concerts to the
campus community, the
Social-Life Committee
sponsored popular films.
"Born Free," "Alfie," and
"The Carpetbaggers" were
among the winners which
packed the SCA to capacity.
Dr. Paul Ehrlich
Religious Life
Another Union Board Committee, Religious Life, directed by
David Jerger, presented a lecture series which included such
diverse speakers as writer William Stringfellow. Religious Life
also collaborated with S. T. 0. P., Students to Terminate Over
Population and Pollution, in presenting such noted speakers as
Dr. Paul Ehrlich. S. T. 0. P. then became a subcommittee of
Student Senate and went on to sponsor a hunger strike in
order to bring the problem of world hunger to the attention of
EC students.
The Young Americans for Freedom
were active in 1968-69 in the area
of poHtical programming with a
predominantly conservative ideol-
ogy. The group sponsored such
educational activities as films on
current issues and political person-
alities, informal lectures and discus-
sions dealing with unusual topics
such as political assassination, and a
right-left debate on the Viet Nam
War which pitted Robert Turner
against Rennie Davis. Leaders of
YAF for 1968-69 were William
Mencarow and Joseph Heniff.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Glenn Novak, Joseph Heniff, Charles Cosimano, Andrea Dubnick.
Young Republicans
Men and
LEFT TO RIGHT: Darlene Rinella, Jan Midgley, Mrs. Kirby, Carolyn Andre,
Miss Kishi, Judy Kamper, Jan Zwetz, Mrs. Ruffolo, Jean Eyrich, Kay Kupper,
Kathy Piatt, Judi Bree.
Seven new names were added to the elite roster of the Men's
Honorary this year, while the Women's Honorary found itself
tapping sixteen members of the junior class. Members of the
organization are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership
and major contributions to the college. With the addition of
this year's members, Men's Honorary will be seeking recogni-
tion by Omicron Delta Kappa, a national men's honor society.
The Men's Honorary also sponsored what became known as
the Kaffee Klatch. These Klatches provided a chance for
students and faculty to get together and become better
ROW 1: Elsa Koenig, Pat Behle, Kerry Tesky, Marilyn Holtzman,
Ginger Sepanski. ROW 2: Elite McDaniels, Carol Roos, Karen
Kroenig, Pat Deem, Terry Dorgan. ROW 3: Teri Calkins, Pat
Kraft, Meril Pattison, Barb Johnson, Ileen Weber.
Craig Mernitz
Bork Maronn
Dave Kinney
Paul Lancaster
Ron Meyer ^^^^,,1^
Bob Bills
Jeff Kling
Roger Dahlstrom
Randy Riley
Ray Lake
Terry Templeton
Ken Herlien
Al Mason
Jim Gaw
Chris Walker
Mark Erickson
Wally Trosen
John Rooney
Steve Fausch
Mark Buck
Dean Roberts
Mike Radzilowsky
Jim Thais
Ron Vanderstuyf
Bob Yeisley
Scott Mernitz
Jerry Slansky
LEFTTORIGHT: Don Bizer, Jim Quilty, Jim Beard,
Charlie Stevens, John Corbett, Jim Higginson, Ed Ander-
Recognized on dress-up occasions by their green emblemed
blazers, the Brotherhood of Squires continued to serve the
college and community as a service organization. Abiding
by tradition, the Squires pledge class was burdened with
yellow bricks and instructed to seek "autographs" of Squire
regulars. The Squires also fulfilled duties as ushers and as
"door-to-door" charity representatives. A new service was
offered Elmhurst students in the Squire-sponsored First Aid
1. Roy Johnson
2. Hank Dembosz
3. Don Rudy
4. Chuck Rakos
5. Gary Zakovic
6. Don Haufe
7. DaveCuUum
8. Peter Lum
9. George Bradshaw
10. Joe Bestwina
11. Pete Mastro
12. Daryl White
13. Bob Merz
14. Bill Backus
15. Terry Scholl
16. John Teschner
17. Jim Templin
18. Bob Quackenbush
In their second year of existence at Elm-
hurst, the brotherhood of Praetors grew
both in numbers and prominence. Following
their stated purpose to serve the campus
socially, the Praetors sponsored dances with
such groups as the "Flock" and the "Proper
Strangers" which enlivened several week-
ends. They also provided car-owning stu-
dents with a utilitarian service by way of the
Pledge Class car washes, and enhanced the
Homecoming mall scene with a prize-win-
ning float.
ROW J: Steve Gallant y, Harry Bucy, Bill Caprel, Brian
Benakos. ROW 2: Gerry Warnke, Gordon Hollander, Dennis
Kappen, Chuck Purdom. ROW 3: George Bergstrom, Dave
Victor, Bob Wick, Bryan Wagner. ROW 4: Rich Hempel, Jeff
Thoma, Jim Brusveen.
ROW 1: Kriss Herrmnson, Kay Nickerson, Pam Trink, Rhonda Larson. ROW 2: Deb Champion, Beth Reichel, Marianne Hagest, Kathy Zoubek, Anne
Fricke, Marcia Mahn, Bert Laveille, Elaine Hnadich. ROW 3: Patty Reiser, Cathy Collins, Judy Fodero, Cathy Mosher, Cheryl Petrowski, Sue Burdick,
Diane Vardabs, Joni May field.
SEATED: Diane Yarosh, Merlanne Price, Charlie Hall, Miss Kishi, Kathy Krolak, Donna Oku. STANDING: Sally Curtin, Char Blazevich, Paulette
Augustine, Carol Gavin, Winnie Farley, Marian Bruss, Carolann Slanina, Sue Hartlein.
The Sisterhood of the Adel-
phae sponsored many activi-
ties and service projects
throughout the year. During
first semester the Adelphae
organized the campus-wide
"Ugly Man" contest. The
"Ugly Man" with the most
votes, Jim Templin, reigned
over the dance of the same
theme. A service gesture in
conjunction with the Praetors
was the Birthday Dinner
served to campus residents at
the dining tables. Later dur-
ing the year the Adelphae
sponsored the Best Dressed
Girl contest. The 1968-69
President was Charlie Hall.
The college radio station, WRSE-FM, functioned as a vital
medium on the campus of a changing Elmhurst. Broadcasting
from the newly constructed production studio, the station
offered an admirable roster of varied programming by Elm-
hurst students. Beyond such basic operations, the staff
sponsored the WRSE party and the hilariously successful
Roller Derby. Steering the station were Bob Rodriguez and
Bob McGehee as station manager, John Daubenspeck, program
director, and Bob Faerber, chief engineer.
Nancy puts the damper on a staff meeting disrupted by Karen Dauster and Peg Waara.
"Variety" is the only word that comes close to capsuling the activities indulged in by XhtElms
Staff. Under the tutelage of editor, Nancy Stephens, the staff affected smooth transitions from
layouts to typing, scheduling pictures and writing copy. Adopting a refined professional
perfection in journalism as their unanimous ideal, the Elms Staff shared laughs and endured
painful error — circumvention amid the weekly shuffling of pictures and inevitable approach of
section deadlines. At all times, the Elms Staff strove to represent a "Changing Elmhurst" in an
expanded, more colorful annual.
Elm Bark
Tuesdays at Elmhurst College meant the noon-time
arrival of the school paper, the Elm Bark. Despite the
perennial accusations of mediocrity, the Elm Bark copies
were rapidly claimed and the cafeteria at lunch became
an inverted parquet of papers. Indeed, the March 18th
issue became a collectors' item; its controversial cartoon
and unprecedented theatre review ignited heated opin-
ions. As spring approached, editor John Bizer resigned in
a thoughtful editorial and named Bob Ullman as his
Carl Foltstad supervises Keith Schram 's layouts.
Opera Workshop
One of the more publicized interim
offerings, the opera workshop, was
jointly conducted by the music and
speech departments. In addition to
concentrated studies of opera as an
art form born of choral and dra-
matic stage forms, the course gear-
ed itself toward its public perfor-
mance of Mozart's "Marriage of
Figaro," an impressive consum-
mation of Elmhurst's first interim.
"Mother Courage
Under the charismatic direction of Garry Col-
burn, Bertholt Brecht's "Mother Courage" was
staged in March while preparations were being
made for the grand opening of the Mill Theater.
When it housed performances of student-di-
rected one-acts in May, the Mill was used as a
theater for the first time.
'The Lion and the Jewel'
L-R ROW ONE: Kathy Hams, Helen Sterka, Melanie Poltrock, Debra
Krauth, Leslie Maclean, Jeanne Baxter, Jane Wehmueller, Jim Janicek,
Dennis Dahn, Scott Princen, Charlie Stevens. ROW TWO: Gordon
Hollander, Doris Holtgreve, Tom Zappe, Fern Wimberly, John Sims,
Phyllis Schoewe, Barb Lewis, John Engman, Theresa Hartigan, June
Williams. ROW THREE: Judy DeVore, Dennis Stafiro, Bill Trauth, Sue
Brouse, Marilyn Walton, Steve Scott, Carol Woodliff, Sandy Espinosa,
Bennie Williams. ROW FOUR: Walter Bruederle, Sharon Patchak,
George Jacobs, Don Haufe, John Redfield, Bruce Holman, Henry
Schram, Edward Leveille, Dave Vollman. ROW FIVE: Marilyn Hinch-
ley, Bob Atkins, John Mieners, John Hollenkamp, Norm Granback,
Maurice Wimberly, Bob Chamberlain, Mr. James Sorensen.
The fifty piece Elmhurst College Band, under the direction of James Sorensen, professor of
music, had an active year. In addition to performing an annual spring concert, the band also
made a short tour of Wisconsin. Spectators at the Homecoming game got their first glimpse
of the Marching Band, as Mr. Dale Hamilton put them through their paces and directed their
formations. Members of the Stage Band were entered in the competition at the Annual
Mid-West Jazz Festival sponsored by E.C. Marilyn Walton took first place in vocal division
and went on to national competition.
L-R FIRST ROW: Randy Knowles, Gordon Hollander, Tom Zappe. Bill
Trauth, Sue Brouse, Don Haufe. SECOND ROW: Don Kosar, Henry
Schram. John Redfield, Dave Vollman, Bruce Hollman. THIRD ROW:
Charlie Stevens, Jim Janicek, Scott Princen, Bennie Williams, NOT
PICTURED: Leslie Maclean, Norm Granbeck.
Stage Band
During the year the Polyhymnia Wom-
en's Chorus sang many concerts in the
Chicago area and also on a north-
eastern tour. Noteworthy concerts on
campus during the year for Poly were
for the Homecoming Chapel Service,
the Candlelight Christmas Service, and
the Poly-Glee Club Concert on Par-
ent's Weekend. The specialty groups of
Poly are the quartet and the interpre-
tive choir. Poly's repertoire of secular
and sacred music included such pieces
as The Miserere by Hasse and the
German folk song "Gute Nacht". Poly
was sad to hear of the retirement of
Mrs. Viola Repp from the directorship
of the chorus after twenty years of
devotion to the "Poly girls".
Ashton, Carol Roos, Chris Finger.
INTERPRETIVE CHOIR; LEFT TO RIGHT, Karen Dauster, Nancy Hansen, Sue Acke-
mann, June Yoshinari, Kerry Tesky, Linda Peterson.
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT; Sue Ackemann, Karen Dauster, Karen Kieca, Jan Wilson, Mary Jerome. Nancy Kalk, Mary
Steeb, Linda Peterson, Jenny Stephens, June Yoshinari, SECOND ROW: Linda Bennett, Connie Kehl, Marty Schneider, Carol
Roos, Judy Kamper, Donna Krueger, Chris Finger, Nancy Knisely, Kerry Tesky, THIRD ROW: Barb Ashton, Arlene Buric,
Kathy Friebus, Penny Seibert, Sue Evans, Linnea Balk, Judy Kalkbrenner, Nancy Hansen.
FIRST ROW; left to right, Mr. David Austin, director, Don Langbs, Bob Faerber, Dave Rota, Bryan Sickbert, Carl Ramey,
Karl Miller, Mark Stahlhut, SECOND ROW; Bill Kesting, Wayne Kennedy, Craig Avery, Ray Christiansen, Chuck Stevens, Earl
Schuff, Bob Ullman, THIRD ROW; Mark Buck, Jerry Paul, Paul Fischer, Pete Miller, Bill Fraccaro, Marty Reif, Chuck Wright,
Art Wille.
Glee Club
The Men's Glee Club, formed in 1894, is the oldest organization
on campus. Under the direction of Mr. David Austin, the Club
enjoys singing both sacred and secular music. The Club provides
music on campus for various chapel services, and presents a joint
concert with the Polyhymnia in May. In addition to Lenten and
Christmas concerts in the Chicago area, the group goes on an
annual ten day tour in the spring.
Poly 's send-off included love and kisses.
From left to right: ROW 1: Marguerite Hinchley, Richard Reinwald, Roseann Hotz, Judy DeVore, Richard Rytel, Virginia Sepanski, ROW 2: Pat
Behle, Ken Zimmerman, Lorli Stock, Roger Samonek, Marilyn Behle, Maurice Wimberley, Elsa Koenig, ROW 3: Nancy Pumphrey, Ray Tocco, Carole
Eckwall, Pat Freeman, Tom Clouser, Jean Eyrich, Carol Woodliff, Gordon Chamness, Barbara Boatright, ROW 4: Linda Zuehsow, William
Gutenschwager, Mary Ellen Biljes, Georgie Elert, Rob Hamm, Sharleen Smith, Margaret Rasche, John Bracke, Terry Schrieber
Membership in the College Choir, which is under the direction
of Dr. T. Howard Krueger, is open to all students on campus.
Also included in the Choir are members of the Chapel Bell
Ringers, who are directed by Marguerite Hinchley. In addition
to their annual spring tour, the Choir also made an annual
winter tour and made other public appearances at area
churches during the Lenten season. During the month of
January, Choir also made a T.V. appearance as the guest choir
on the "Sunday Evening Club" broadcast from Orchestra Hall.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Linda Kohl, Deb Biersach, Vicki Mather, Leslie O'Brien, Leslie Anderson, Tara Concklin, Captain Ten Calkins, and Deb Edwards.
As the 1968-69 athletic season drew to a close, the eight
cheerleaders were left with many unforgetable memories: the
thrill of victory and the bitter taste of defeat. There were good
times: the Carthage game and the party at Racine (by
invitation only), the numerous "dinner delights" and pep
rallies by torch-light. Who could forget Rumble Beat in the
bathroom at the football party? However, there were bad
times too, like the heartbreak of a losing football season, and
struggling for money for new uniforms. Yet, they managed to
do their job, to instill a little school spirit in the Elmhurst
students. The Shout-Down at North Central College shows the
emotions that can be obtained with a little enthusiasm. Long
live the cries of "We don't mess around, hey!"
The Harbinger Coffee House has become a place
for EC students to relax, converse, study, dance,
listen to music — a place to discover there are
things to do when you have nothing else to do.
Folk music this year was provided by EC students
as well as other members of the Coffee House
Circuit. In addition to folk music, discussions,
films, and poetry readings were sponsored by the
"Inner Space."
Junior Dinner -Dance
Within the elegance of the Grand Ballroom at the Hotel
Knickerbocker, the Junior Dinner-Dance was one of the
most successful endeavors of the year. Tuxedos and
formals spiced the early May air as did the romance
sparked by boutonnieres and corsages. Greetings were
forwarded to those attending by M.C. Dave Hager-
baumer and Teri Calkins was crowned 1969 Prom
Queen. The mood created by dance music and
changing colored liglits persisted as most couples ended
their evening by attending a late performance at the Happy
Spring Weekend
Traditionally planned for mid-May,
spring weekend festivities
lure both parents and alumni.
The annual E.I.I, started the
weekend with a fifth place win
for EC trackmen.
"Uncle Pete" was honored
at both the meet and alumni banquet.
An open house
in the Speech Clinic
provided an opportunity
to view methods and facilities.
The annual Poly-Glee Club Concert
was enlivened by skits,
specialty numbers
and marked the end
of Mrs. Viola Repp's
career with her Poly girls.
A Sunday afternoon
band concert preceded
the Honor's Day reception
in the College Union lounge.
Later at the Honor's Banquet,
Dr. William Barclay received
the Distinguished Faculty Award.
Gu stave O. Arlt
Reflections upon four years
are envisioned in faces
during Commencement.
The 1968 football season began with a let-down opening
defeat to Millikin, but Bluejay optimism remained strong. An
"elephant" backfield of junior Mike Marsico and freshmen
David Greenstein and Bob Wick formed Coach Harris' power
block. Yet, a Jay victory continued to evade the team, despite
star performances by Rick Dorney and Mike McCargo during
the Carroll game. Hopes ran high for a seventh consecutive
Homecoming victory and the Jays led North Park 12-0 until
the second quarter. The Jays scored no more, however, while
the Vikings racked up 28 points. >Now, the finger pointed to a
winless season. It remained memorable as the final season for
co-captain, Scott Mernitz, who participated in Jay victories
over his four-year career.
BACK ROW: Coach Schousen, Pete Sauter, Dave Moyer, Rob Berg- Hawthorne, FRONT ROW: James Bell, Jim Brusveen, Brian Wagm
mann. Rick Leonhardt, John Froeschner, Keith Schram, Coach Derek Grove, Pete Lum, Jim Peters.
Coach Walter Schousen began his thirteenth
coaching season with Jon Hawthorne as
assistant. Hopes ran high with returning
lettermen Keith Schram, David Moyer and
E.C.'s Most Valuable Player and last season's
leading conference rebounder, Jim Peters,
again on the court. However, the opening
games were disappointing defeats and the
spirit of the fans seemed fated to diminish.
Yet the season's end was brightened by
several astonishing victories; the epitome
being the "Shoutdown" victory over North
Central on February 24th's closing game.
Onnonpn t
Concordia Collpffe
North Park Tnllpap
Rorkford CoUppp
111 W6*slf*van ITniv
j-ijii tt voi^y oil v^iiiv.
Carthage College
North Ppntral PoIIppp
Augustana College
Carroll College
Lake Forest College
Augustana College
Wheaton College
Millikin University
North Park College
Carroll College
111. Wesleyan Univ.
Wheaton College
Lake Forest College
Carthage College
MiEikin University
North Central College
Elmhurst, after a three year lapse, put
a full wrestling team on the mats.
Grappling, however, had its ups and
downs and the season concluded in
mediocrity. Yet the team did not lack
powerful matmen and Don "Otto"
Elfvin, Dave "Bear" Krepel, and Mike
Marsico displayed note-worthy ability.
Thus, due to commendable strategy on
the parts of individual team members,
the team placed second in the MiUikin
Invitational, sixth in North Central
Invitational, ninth at Wheaton, and
eighth in the College Conference of
Illinois and Wisconsin.
FRONT ROW, left to right, Brian Bemkos, Dave Krepel, Rich Lusero. BACK ROW, left to right, Gregg Hoffenkamp, Don Elfvin, Rich
Hotz, Mike Marsico, Coach Ulrich.
BACK ROW: Bob Ullman, Bob Merz, Coach Langhorst, Larry Ernst, FRONT ROW: John Bizer, Don Bizer,
Tony Carberry, John Hall.
The Bluejays Cross Country team ended the
1968-69 season by taking sixth place in the
CCIW meet at North Central College. The
final record for the season shows the Jays
scoring 18 wins and 26 losses. This was the
first year in conference competition for the
EC harriers.
April 16
EC — 2nd place
April 19
Lewis Invitational
EC - 5th place
April 23
Illinois Wesleyan
EC — 3rd place
AprO 26
Carthage Invitational
EC — 5th place
April 29
Lake rorest
EC - 1 St place
May 3
Beloit Relays
EC - 6th place
May 9, 10
CCIW Conference Meet
EC - 8th place
May 17
EC — 5 th place J||||||||||^
In mid-April the EC track team took part in their first meet of the
season, taking second place in a quadrangular meet against Lewis,
North Park and Olivet. Adding to the strength of the team were
runners Engman, Menzel, Bizer, Radzilowsky, and Hall, pole vaulter
Tom Schmidt, high jumper Bergman, and discus throwers Fantozzi
and FUipski. Also joining the team this year were outstanding
freshmen Jemison, Edwards and McCord.
Saturday, May 17, the 35th Annual Elm-
hurst Intercollegiate Invitational Track
and Field Meet was held in the misty
gloom of the Elmhurst athletic field.
Twenty-two midwestern schools from
five states participated either in division
A or division B. When the afternoon's
final results were in, Elmhurst finished
fifth in Division B. This encouraging
climax was largely due to strong perfor-
mances by Steve Filipski in discus, Tom
Schmidt in pole vault, Harry McCord in
long jump and the relay team of Greg
Fantozzi, Harry McCord, Mike Edwards,
and John Engman. Gracing the festivities
was Queen Kay Kupper and her court.
FRONT ROW: Phil Murdoch, Jim Schultz, Bill Caprel, John Cannata, Jim Brusveen, Jim Peters, Lou Miceli. BACK ROW: Coach Jon Hawthorne, Lou
Materre, John Chvatal, Dave Victor, Tom Raspanti, Dave Aggen, Chuck Purdom, George Caesar.
(Press Publications photo).
Maryville 6
Shorter 4
U. of the South .... 0
U. of the South .... 7
Bethel College 6
Bethel College 3
Illinois Wesleyan .... 3
Illinois Wesleyan ... 1 1
Carroll College .... 10
Carroll College 4
Augustana 9
Augustana ...... .4
Millikin 8
Millikin 1
North Park .4
North Park 3
Carthage 2
Carthage 0
Wheaton 1
Wheaton 5
North Central 3
North Central . . . . .2
Backed by pitchers Dave Victor, Barney Schultz,
Louis MiceH and Jim Brusveen, the EC Bluejays began
another season of baseball. The Jays traveled to
Maryville, Tennessee to win their first game 9-6. With
the help of Coach Jon Hawthorne, the team was able
to sweep twinbills from North Park, Carthage and
North Central. Augustana and Illinois Wesleyan
proved to be EC's most formidable opponents. The
team finished the season with 12 wins and 10 losses.
North Central .
. .6
Rockford . . .
Millikin ....
North Park . .
. .4
111. Wesleyan .
. .5
Concordia . . .
Men and Women's Tennis
EC 3 Olivet College ... 3
EC 4 Lake Forest .... 2
Millikin Invitational ... 1 st
and 2nd singles and 1st dou-
bles advanced to third round
of elimination tournament.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Charlotte Scott, Lulu Santamaria, Deborah Krauth, Miss Hackman, Sandy Janowiak, Karen
With Ed Ward making his debut as coach this
year, the EC Men's Tennis team took on
teams from the CCIW, as well as non-con-
ference teams. Despite a good showing by
team members Holman and Wyant, the final
record for the netmen shows only one win
against nine losses. The Women's team fared
some better, playing to a tie with Lake
Forest and making an excellent showing at
the Millikin Invitational.
r- i ^••'|-iiiiriiiiii lin liiliii^ i iiii liriiii iiiiiiii ■tiiiiiiii
Donald C,
Mr. Stanley Loeb, Book store
manager, top left
Mr. Robert J. Dugan, mail super-
visor and central stores, middle
Mr. James R. Cunningham, direc-
tor of college union, bottom left
Mrs. K. VanBorg, calendar and
reservations, top right
Mr. Richard Wedemeyer, director
of placement, middle right
Mrs. Inga Albright, dietitian,
bottom right
Mr. Melvin E. George, Head Librarian
Miss Sandra Jorgensen, left
Miss Latham Baskerville, above
Descending upon the city of Chicago for its
classroom during interim, the art department
endured the cruel elements in search of aes-
thetic restitution. The department welcomed
Mr. John Weber to its undaunted ranks and
proudly offered a major in art for the first
Mrs. Margaret Kerr, top left
Mr. David B. Austin, top right
Mr. James Sore risen, center left
Mr. Paul Westermeyer, center
Mrs. Viola L. Repp, center right
Dr. T. Howard Krueger, bottom
Arias from "The Marriage of Figaro"
broke the crisp, chill January air as the
opera workshop steered toward a
public performance of Mozart's classic.
Another feather was stuck in the hat
of the music department which, as
always, "coached" our several musical
organizations, chaperoned successful
tours, and was joined this year by Mr.
Sorensen and Mr. Westermeyer.
Mr. Garry P. Co lb urn, far left
Mr. David John Payne, left
In the rumbling wake of the
Northwestern raihoad, the
drama department happily
creates scenery and designs
costumes in their spacious
quarters at the Mill Theatre.
Besides staging and presenting
Elmhurst Theatre produc-
tions, the drama students try
their hands at directing with
one-act plays in the spring
and present oral interpreta-
tions readings at the Harbinger.
Education is irrevocably
dependent upon communi-
cation. Oral communica-
tion is demanded from stu-
dents and facuhy alike, and
it is the speech department
alone that seeks to better
oral discourse. From the
fundamentals through the
diversified upper level
courses, the speech depart-
ment refines our expres-
sion and strengthens
our presentation.
Dr. Donald R. Low, middle
Mrs. Linda Lee Ritffolo, left
Miss Patricia W. Green, right
With open-armed Gallic warmth, the French de-
partment opened its New French novel interim
offering to non-French speaking students and thus
made available to all Elmhurst a pertinent litera-
ture course. Equal warmth was extended to new
instructor, Monsieur des Cartiers.
Mrs. Donna Gras, top left
Mrs. Ariane Devaud, bottom left
Mr. Audoin des Cartiers, top right
Mrs. Paulette Hatmaker, above
Mrs. Cecilia Baumann (left), Mr. John Brauer, Mrs. Elizabeth Ting
German and Russian
Three new faces composed the German department this year and the new
professors sought to continue the long-standing affinity between the German
language and Elmhurst College. At the same time, the incorporation of
Russian into the modern language offerings reflected the contemporary need
for world understanding.
Maintaining its rank as a popular language
offering, Spanish instructed students in a
language and culture dominating the
Iberian peninsula and the South Amer-
ican continent as well as a good portion
of North America. Not to be forgotten
are the Spanish-speaking minorities in our
own urban areas.
Mrs. Miriam Jones (left).
Dr. Marie Wellington, top
Mrs. Mirian Howie, above left
Miss Marina Darian, above
Mrs. Marjorie Levine, right
Mr. David S. Lindberg, far right
The stalwart columns of crumbling tem-
ples and the Blue Agean no longer were
confined to Homer's epics for the Elm-
hurst students who flew to Greece for a
study tour. Rev. Williams served as guide
on this exceptional interim offering. Latin
studies grew once again under Mrs.
Political Science
In this past fall of cam-
paigns and elections, the
presence of an ever-
changing world became
immediate to a changing
Elmhurst. The political
science department, for
one, must be responsive to
and cognizant of such
changes and indeed, the
department's interim of-
ferings simply reflected
such an awareness.
Rev. James J. Williams, right
Dr. Royal J. Schmidt, far right
History may deal with the
past, but the history de-
partment was commen-
dably aware of the pres-
ent. Joined this year by
Mr. Burdick, the depart-
ment launched courses
concerned with the black
race and black nations at
interim. Under the chair-
manship of Dr. Schade,
the history department
continued to capsule
man's saga on earth.
Dr. Rudolf G. Schade, top left
Mr. Walter E. Burdick, Jr., top right
Mr. Daniel Scavone, above
Mr. Neal Blum, above right
Religion and Theology Philosophy
Recognizing the major problems created by a In a changing world and a changing Elmhurst, a
changing world, the religion department scaled the vital concern is justly devoted to thought and
shaded lanes of Elmhurst for the less inviting theory. In turn, the philosophy department direc-
streets and alleys of the inner city. The Servant ted its attention to these always timely realms of
and the City interim course provided students with thought and theory in interim offerings like The
an admittedly brief but undeniably poignant con- Ideal Society and Theory of Justice as well as the
tact with the wider world served by the church. numerous semester pursuits.
Laughter was explored and indulged in
the "What is Comedy?" interim course
offered by the Enghsh department. How-
ever, when the spring semester ground
along, English students joined the whole
campus in succumbing to "the uncertain
glory of an April day," detected by
William Shakespeare in Elizabethan
England. Such is the eternal universality
of English, and all great literature as
tauglit by the English department.
Taking the future teachers to
"where it's at," the education de-
partment travelled to urban-subur-
ban school systems during interim.
Justifiable attention was also de-
voted to the new audio-visual
equipment located in Old Main 22.
The former male bastion of instruc-
tion welcomed Miss Heidinger to
their ranks.
Mr. Alfred S. Moser, top
Dr. Peter S. Pierro, above
Dr. Walter Smietana, left
Psychology Mrs. Mary R. Piech, left
The "arena" of such institutions as Hines Veterans' Hospital served
as the valuable field experience positions occupied by psychology
students. Asserting itself as a socially directed discipline, psychology
masterfully bridged the gap between the classroom and the world.
Dr. Darrell Latham, above
Dr. Jack D. Holbrook
A social science if there ever was one, sociology deals with
man and his society. By instructing people in how to deal
with people, the sociology department strives to pave the
way to a world in which human dignity will be of prime
importance and society will serve rather than hinder man-
Mr. Earl R. Elledge, top left
Mr. James F. Hayes, left
Mr. Ramzan Dossa, above
Concerned with the economic
awareness of underclassmen
and upperclassmen alike, the
economics department of-
fered introductory courses to
the labyrinth of economic
problems confronting today's
world as well as depth courses
which focus on key issues.
Mr. Steve E. Kontos, top right
Mr. Dominic J. Scudiero, left
Mr. Joseph F. McManus, bottom center
Dr. Maybelle Kohl, bottom right
Business Administration
In the liberal arts tradition at Elmhurst, an exception was
made in deference to practicality with the inclusion of a
department of business administration. Offering a progres-
sion of courses geared to the successful entry into the
business world, the department serves a unique function in
preparing students for the work-a-day world.
Mr. Frank B. Allen, top left
Mr. Keith A. Failon, top right
Mrs. Dorothy Faegre, bottom left
Mrs. Mary Hart Zink, bottom right
In this era of the New Math, the Elmhurst
mathematics department decided to take a breath-
er from their constant involvement with new math
trends during interim. At this time, the history of
math was viewed in retrospect and, as a result, a
better understanding of math as we know it was
The geography department continued to expand its course
offerings under the groupings of regional systematic and
technique courses. From the popular physical geography
sections to the more challenging cartography, a progressive
spirit was evident; the new weather station is a fine case in
Mr. Paul F. Ries, top left
Mr. John Jurjevich, top right
Dr. Karl Robert, bottom left
Mr. John E. Bohnert, bottom right
The test-tube age is very much in
evidence on the campus of a
changing Elmhurst. Under the gui-
dance of the chemistry department,
the ever-advancing and consistently
more complex world of the labora-
tory prepares students in the search
for a better world through chem-
Recognizing the value inherent in
purposeful transfer of knowledge,
the physics department proposed
an interdisciplinary confrontation
with the role of mathematics in
science. By calling upon math,
chemistry and physics majors to
jointly approach the issue, the
physics department made a com-
mendably significant adaptation of
interim innovation.
Mr. Robert Glogovsky, Mr. Robert Priepke, Mr. Ralph
W. Fogler, Dr. John C. Ganchoff.
Dr. Jack Haugsnes
Mr. Gilbert K. Boese
The windswept acres and the aromatic confines
of the animal houses of Brookfield Zoo served
as first-hand observatories for biology students
of animal behavior in January's interim. Tlus
course is indicative of the biology department's
constant adoption of new and instructive meth-
ods and equipment.
Mr. Harold P. Owen, top
Miss Eileen Hackman, above
Mrs. Maude Meyer, right
Continuing to provide Elm-
hurst students with valued
and varied service courses, the
physical education depart-
ment this year v/as able to
offer a major born of a com-
plex line of theory and meth-
od courses. Mr. Hawthorne
and Mr. Ulrich joined the de-
partment to aid in implemen-
tation of this new program.
The four years that loomed so long in Septem-
ber of 1965 had vanished, and the seniors
wondered whether they really wanted to leave.
Had they lived "the best years of their lives"
already or were they yet to come? With
optimism, the class of 1969, under president
Hugh Studebaker, vice-president Carl Follstad,
secretary Leslie Anderson, and treasurer John
Rooney, left their mark on E.C. and decided to
take on the world.
James Adams
Political Science
Diane A frick
Speech Correction
Robert Allender
Lesley Anderson
Elementary Education
Carolyn Andre
Barbara Ashton
Pamela Asmus
Elementary Education
Craig Baa b
Political Science
William Balling Donald Baumann Harold Berg Joseph Bestwina
Political Science Philosophy Chemistry Political Science
Jerry Bieker John Bizer Ronald Blank Barbara Boatright
Business Administration Biology Sociology English
George Brads haw
Judith Bree
Barry Brennan
Kerin Brennan
Betty Brooks
Elementary Education
Ruth Bryant
Paul Cameron
Pamela Carpenter
Judy Charanvas
Business Administration
William Cherwonick
Armand Ouffo
Lawrence Conley
John Crois
Ellen Cunningham
Elementary Education
George Cunningham
Rita Cunningham
Wayne Cwik
Virginia Da mm
Elementary Education
Kenneth Dewey
Harriet Dickey
Jane Diederich
Speech Correction
Jeanette Eichmiller
Speech and Drama
Jean Eyrich
Christian Education
Margaret Finlayson
Elementary Education
Michael Fleming
Judith Fodero
Thomas Foley
Business Administration
Carl Follstad
Charlotte Hall
Mark Hamilton
Robert Hamm
John Hammond
Donald Haufe
Donald Hoffman
Business Administration
Stuart Holman
Business Administration
Ernest Hook
Business Administration
Jan Hootman
Elementary Education
Richard Hoskins
Business Administration
Donald Hoy
William Iliffe
Anita Jockheck
Arthur Johnson
Janet Johnson
Elementary Education
Patricia Johnson
Elementary Education
Maryan Koehler
Charleen Kreimeyer
Lawrence Krengel
Kathleen Krolak
Diane Krupicka
K. David Kuebler
Kay Kupper
Darnese Lackey
Christine Lundquist
Elementary Education
Arnold Mahler
David McConaughy
Laurence Meyer
Robert Maatman
Katherine Marinaccio
Elementary Education
Sharon McCoy
Elementary Education
Janet Midgley
Physical Education
Edith MacKay
George Masek
Business Administration
Scott Mernitz
Peter Miller
Priscilla Maclean
Speech Correction
Alan Mason
Betty Meyer
Loretta Montanari
John Rooney
Donald Rose
Business Administration
Shirley Rosner
Elementary Education
Raymond Rossi
Business Administration
A J0
David Rota
David Rutherford
Richard Rutkowski
Business Administration
Carol Salerno
Michael Schmidt
Terry Schreiber
Christian Education
Earl Schuff
Penelope Seibert
Susan Shaffer
Yvonne Simpson
Elementary Education
Rochelle Sinn
Elementary Education
Carolann Slanina
Senior Index
Ackley, Gary: DesPlaines, 111., Transfer 3; Gamma Theta Upsi-
lon, 3, President 4; Young Republicans 3.
Adams, James: Lombard, 111., Transfer 3; Pi Gamma Mu 3, 4;
SEA 4.
Africk, Diane: Elk Grove Village, 111., Transfer 3; Sigma Alpha
Eta 2.
Anderson, Lesley: St. Charles, 111., Homecoming Committee 3,
4; Co-Chairman Bachelor's Holiday 3; Prom Committee 3;
Stanger Hall Program Chairman 4; Social Life 4; Class
Secretary 4; Cheerleader 4; SEA 4.
Andre, Carolyn: Franklin Park, 111., SEA 1, 2; Greater Elm-
hurst 1,2; SGA Constitution Committee 3 ; SGA Committee
on Academic Development 3; Pi Gamma Mu 3, 4; Honor
Society 3, 4; Women's Honorary 3, Vice-President 4;
Gamma Theta Upsilon 3, Secretary 4; Theresa C. Kozell
Award 3; Who's Who 4.
Ashton, Barbara: Parma, Ohio, Lehmann Hall Residence Coun-
cil 2, 3; AWS Judicial Board 2; Polyhymnia 1,3, Secretary
4; Resident Advisor 4; Social Action Committee 2; Who's
Who 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Asmus, Pamela: Orland Park, 111., Transfer 2; SEA 2, 3, 4,
Vice-President 3.
Baumann, Donald: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 2; Religious Life 2;
SGA Committee on Academic Development 2; Elms 1;
President's Graduate Study Committee 1.
Berg, Harold: Chicago, 111., Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3,
Vice-President 2; Squires 1, 2, 3, 4, Chaplain 3; E-Club 1, 2,
3, Secretary 4; Hockey Club 3; Class President 1 .
Bestwina, Joseph: Summit, 111., Senator 1, 2; Harbinger 2;
Praetors 2, President 4.
Bieker, Jerry: Villa Park, 111., Baseball 1, 2, Captain 3, 4;
E-Club 2, 3, 4.
Bizer, John: St. Louis, Mo., Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1,
2,3; Wrestling 3 ; Elmbark 1 , Sports Editor 2,3, Editor 3,4;
Irion Judicial Board 1 ; Residence Council 1 ; Dorm President
2; Interdorm Council 2; E-Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Corresponding
Secretary 2; Beta Beta Beta 3, President 4; Men's Honorary
3, 4; Student Leader 2, 3, 4; Orientation Steering Commit-
tee 3; President's Advisory Council 2; Class President 3; Lab
Assistant 2, 3, 4; Who's Who 4.
Blank, Ronald: Aurora, 111., Transfer 2; Track 2.
Borger, Peter: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 2.
Bracke, John: St. Louis, Mo., Religious Life 2, Treasurer 3;
Choir 1, 2, 3, Business Manager 4; Bell Choir 1, 2, 3, 4;
Choral Union 1, 2, 3, 4; Academic Standings Committee 4;
Church Vocations 1, 2, 3, 4; Interdorm Council 1.
Bree, Judith: Lincoln, 111., Greater Elmhurst 1; Polyhymnia 1;
Residence Council 2; AWS First Vice-President 3, President
3; President's Advisory Council 3,4; Committee on Student
Affairs 3; J-Board 3; Resident Advisor 4; Presidential
Awards Committee 4; Women's Honorary 4.
Brennan, Barry James: Elmhurst, 111., Basketball 4; Track 3, 4.
Brooks, Betty Jane: Lombard, 111., Transfer 3; SEA 4.
Bryant, Ruth: Lombard, 111., Transfer 2.
Cameron, Paul: Elmhurst, 111., Judo Club 1, 2, President 3, 4.
Carpenter, Pamela: Indianapolis, Ind., Choir 1, 2, 3; WRSE 1,
2, 3, 4, Assistant Program Director 2; Sophomore Semi-
Formal Committee 2.
Cherwonick, William: Riverside, 111., Young Republicans 3, 4;
Praetors 3, 4, President 3.
Crois, John Henry: Oak Lawn, III., Transfer 3.
Senior Index
Cunningham, Ellen: Park Ridge, 111., AWS Judicial Board 2;
Bachelor's Holiday Committee 2; SEA 3,4.
Cunningham, Rita Anne: Gurnee, 111., Tutoring 1, 2, 3; Resi-
dence Council 2; Choral Union 1, 2, 3, 4; Judicial Board 2;
Judo Club 4.
Cwik, Wayne Stephen: Harwood Heights, 111., Transfer 2;
Bridge Tournament 3.
Damm, Virginia: Elmhurst, 111., Bachelor's Holiday Committee
2; SEA 2, 3,4.
Dewey, Kenneth: Arlington Heights, 111., Transfer 2; WRSE
Engineer 2; Psi Chi 2, Program Chairman 3, Vice-President
4; Gamma Theta Upsilon 3, 4; Pi Gamma Mu 3, Vice-Presi-
dent 4; Lab Assistant 4; Niebuhr J-Board Secretary 3.
Dickey, Harriet: Elmhurst, 111., Elm Bark 1 , 2.
Eichmiller, Jeanette: Clarendon Hills, 111., Transfer 3; One Acts
4; EC Theatre Light Crew 3, 4; Pi Kappa Delta 4; SEA 4.
Eyrich, Jean: New Ulm, Minn., Elm Bark 1 , Associate Editor 2,
3, 4; Band 1,2; Choir 2, 3, 4, Secretary -Treasurer 3; Bell
Choir 2, 3, 4; Collegium Musicum 3, 4; Religious Life 3;
Women's Honorary 4.
Ezurike, Lemchi: Ikperejere, Umuahia, Nigeria, Africa, Trans-
fer 2.
Fodero, Judith: Chicago, 111., Transfer 3; Judicial Board 3;
Resident Advisor 4; Bachelor's Holiday Committee 3; Dink-
meyer Christmas Party Chairman 3, 4.
Foley, Thomas John: Elmhurst, 111., Football 3, 4; Intramurals
2, 3, 4; Senate 4; Praetors 2, Treasurer 3, 4.
FoUstad, Carl: Elmhurst, III., Lab Assistant 2, 3, 4; Cross
Country 3; Prom Committee 3; Class Vice-President 4; E-
Club 3, 4; Elm Bark 4; Beta Beta Beta 4.
Foskett, William Robert: Elmhurst, 111., WRSE Business Man-
ager 1, News Director 1, Announcer 1, Sports Director 3,
Production Direction 3, 4; Jazz Festival 3; Stage Band 4.
Foster, Gloria May: Chicago, 111., Elms 1; Homecoming Show
3; Tutoring 2; Dorm Secretary 4; Homecoming Dance Com-
mittee 2; Young Republicans 2.
Fritz, Rebecca: Freeport, 111., Transfer 1; Hall Council 1;
Tutoring 1, 2; Elm Bark 2; Junior Year Abroad 3; Senate 4.
Geldbach, Carolyn: St. Louis, Mo., Choir 1 ; Campus Awareness
1; Vesper Committee 2; Resident Advisor 3; Sigma Alpha
Eta 3, Recording Secretary 4; Interdorm Council 4.
Gerhardt, Lorraine: Lombard, 111., Transfer 3; EC Theatre
Costume Committee 3.
Gills, John: Elmhurst, 111., AWS Circus Clown 1 ; Intramurals 2;
SEA 4; Pep Club 1; Homecoming Clean Up Committee 1;
WRSE Engineer 1, 2, Newscaster 2; Wrestling 1; Social
Action Committee 1 ; Commuter Float Committee 1 .
Glass, Patricia: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 3; Psi Chi 3, 4.
Gosh, Mary: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 3; Psi Chi 4.
Hackbarth, David: Villa Park, 111., Transfer 3.
Hall, Charlotte: Springfield, Va., Elm Bark 1, News Editor 2,
Assoc. Editor 3, 4; WRSE 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1 ; J-Board 4;
AWS Executive Board 4; Bachelor's Holiday Committee 2;
Best Dressed Contest Chairman 2, 3; EC Theatre 2, 3;
Intramurals 2; Choral Union 2; Adelphae 3, President 4.
Hamilton, Joanna: Chicago, 111., Tutoring 1, 2, 3; SEA 4;
International Club 2,3, Secretary 2; Elms 3; Union Board 1 ;
Wing Rep 3; Winter Retreat Committee 4.
Hamm, Robert: Fox Lake, 111., Choir 1, 2, 3, President 4; Bell
Choir 1,2,3; Choral Union 1,2,3,4; Interdorm Council 2 ;
Cuhural Life 2; EC Theatre 1,3.
Hammond, John: Memphis, Tenn., Transfer 2; Religious Life
4; Christian Science Organization President 3, Secretary 4.
Senior Index
Haufe, Donald: Western Springs, 111., Praetors 3, 4; Band 1, 2,
3, 4, Vice-President 3; Gamma Theta Upsilon 3 , Vice-Presi-
dent 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1 .
Hoffman, Donald: Addison, 111., Transfer 2; Judo 2, 3; WRSE
Holman, Stuart: Villa Park, 111., Irion Judicial Board 1; Dorm
Council 2; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Resident Advisor 3; Class
Vice-President 3; Men's Honorary 3, 4; E-Club 3, 4; Presi-
dent's Advisory Council 4; SGA Treasurer 3, 4; Committee
on Student Affairs 3, 4; Who's Who 4.
Hootman, Jan: Piqua, Ohio, Schick Program Chairman 2; Home-
coming Committee 3; EII Queen 2; Best Dressed 2; Campus
Awareness 3.
Hoskins, Richard: Bensenville, 111., Transfer 2; Business Club
Vice-President 3, President 4; Ski Club 3, Executive Com-
mittee 4; WRSE 3,4.
Hoy, Donald: Chicago, 111., Transfer 2; Psi Chi 4.
Iliffe, Waiiam: Western Springs, 111., Transfer 3; WRSE 3;
Commuter Relations Committee 3, 4; Young Republicans
Publicity Director 3, 4.
Johnson, Arthur: Franklin Park, 111., Transfer 2; Pi Gamma Mu
3, 4; Psi Chi 4, Fair Co-Chairman 4; SEA 4; Latin American
Week Committee 4.
Johnson, Janet: Chicago, 111., Transfer 2; Judo Club 2, 3;
Homecoming Dance Committee 3; SEA 3, 4.
Johnson, Patricia Gayle: Chicago, 111., Elms 2; Homecoming
Committee 2, 3; Homecoming Court 2, 3, Queen 4; Prom
Court 3; Sophomore Semi-Formal Committee 2; Wing Rep
2, 3; Dorm President 4; SEA 4; EC Theatre 4; AWS legisla-
tive board 3, Executive Board 4; Concerned Black Students
Kallman, Paul: Chicago, III, WRSE 1, Business Manager 2, 3;
Ski Club 1,2,3,4.
Kamper, Judith: Ferguson, Mo., Transfer 2; Polyhymnia 2,
Librarian 3; President 4; Hall Council 3; Women's Honorary
Karau, Betty: Oak Brook, 111., Dorm Secretary 2; Bachelor's
Holiday Committee 2; Class Treasurer 3; Intramurals 1, 2.
Kavanaugh, Judy: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 3; Religious Life 4.
Kelleher, Patricia: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 3; SEA 4.
Kennedy, Sue-Anne: Wheaton, 111., WRSE 1 ; Cultural-Intellec-
tual Life 2.
Kennedy, Wayne: EdwardsvOle, 111., Forensics 1; Tutoring 1,
Co-Chairman 2; Religious Life 1,2; Dorm Council 2; Home-
coming Show 3; President's Advisory Council 3; Committee
on Student Affairs 3,4; Orientation 3, Chairman 4; Com-
mittee on Development 3, 4; Squires 3, 4; Glee Club 4; SGA
Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4; Who's Who 4.
Kerkstra, James Martin: Blue Island, 111., Cultural-Intellectual
Life 1, 2; WRSE 2; Praetors 3, 4.
Kesting, William: Ferguson, Mo., Glee Club 1,2,3, Librarian 4;
Church Vocations 1, 2, 3, 4; Steering Committee 3, 4;
J-Board 3; Pi Gamma Mu 3, Secretary 4.
Khomphairi, Nongpaga: Chicago, 111., Transfer 2.
Krengel, Lawrence: Elmhurst, 111., CUB Committee 1; Track 1;
Homecoming Commuter Float Chairman 1;SCAD 2; WRSE
2; Band 1,2.
Krupicka, Diane: Berwyn, 111., Transfer 3; Psi Chi 3,4; Beta
Beta Beta 4.
Kuklinski, Clarice: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 2; Beta Beta
Beta 3, Secretary 4; Lab Assistant 4.
Kupper, Kay: Sheboygan, Wise, Women's Honorary 4; Resi-
dent Advisor 3; Dorm Program Chairman 4; SGA Secretary
3; Class Treasurer 2; Class Secretary 1; Tutoring 1,2; Elm
Bark 1; Junior Prom Court 3; Homecoming Court 3, 4;
Who's Who 4.
Senior Index
Kuyper, Susan Jean: Chicago, 111., Transfer 3; Women's Honor-
ary 4.
Lackey, Darnese: Chicago, 111., Transfer 3; Religious Life 3.
Lomax, Sondra: Poland, Ohio, Wing Rep. 1; Greater Elmhurst
1; Student Leader 2, 3, 4; Dorm President 3; Social Life 2,
Concert Chairman 3,4; Homecoming 2, 3; Interdorm Coun-
cil 3; AWS Executive Board 3, President 4; Committee on
Student Affairs 4; Adelphae 3,4; Young Republicans 3, 4,
President 3.
Loomer, John: Green Bay, Wise, Transfer 3; Religious Life 3,
4; Intramurals 3, 4.
Lundgren, Ronald Glen: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 2; Commuter
Relations Vice Chairman 2, Chairman 3, 4; Praetors 3,4;
Senate 3, 4; CUB Committee 2, 3; Cultural-Intellectual Life
Agora 4; Faculty-Student Committee on Examinations 4; Pi
Gamma Mu 3, 4; Gamma Theta Upsilon 4.
Lundquist, Christine Johnson: ViUa Park, 111., Social Life 2,
Excursions 3 ; Dorm Program 3 ; Cheerleader 3 ; Homecoming
Committee 3; SEA 2,3; Sophomore Semi-Formal 2; Tutor-
ing 2.
Maatman, Robert: Villa Park, 111., Judo Club 3, 4.
Maclean, PriscUla: Westerly, R.I., Sigma Alpha Eta 1, 2, 3,
President 4; Band 2, 3; Class Secretary 3; Bachelor's Holiday
1,3; J,unior Prom Committee 3; Prom Court 3; Homecom-
ing Court 4.
Marinaccio, Katherine Kimball: Glenview, 111., Transfer 1;
Cheerleader 2, 3; Class Secretary 2; Social Life 3; SNEA 3,
4; Prom Court 3;EII Court 2, 3; Best Dressed 3.
McCoy, Sharon Christine: Chicago, 111., Literary Magazine 1;
Tutoring 2, 3; Intramural Sports 1,2; SEA 1, 2, 3, Secre-
tary-Treasurer 4.
Memitz, Scott: Hayward, Wise, Football 1 , 2, 3, Co-Captain 4;
Track 2; Golf 1 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Resident Advisor 4;
EC Theatre 1; Squires Committee Chairman 2, Vice-Presi-
dent 3, President 4; President's Advisory Council 4; Lab
Assistant 4; WRSE 1 , 2; Gamma Theta Upsilon 2, 3, 4.
Meyer, Betty Jane: Joliet, 111., Transfer 3; Dorm Treasurer 4;
Arts Committee 4; Homecoming Committee 4.
Midgley, Janet: Madison, Wise, WRSE Music Director 1, 2;
Women's Honorary Treasurer 4; Athletic Life Committee
Secretary 3; Who's Who 4.
Miller, Peter: Lakewood, Ohio, Cultural-Intellectual Life 1, 2,
Films Chairman 3; Senate 2; Homecoming Committee 2;
J-Board 2; President's Council on Campus Development 3;
Dorm Council 4; Language Lab Proctor 2.
Moyer, David: Hoyleton, 111., Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1,2,
3, 4; Student Committee on Academic Development 2;
Residence Council 2; Orientation Committee 3; E-Club 2,
Initiation Chairman 3, Treasurer 4; Social Life 2, Business
Manager 3; Presidential Awards Committee 4; Academic
Standing Committee 4; Men's Honorary 3, Vice-President 4;
Elm Bark 2, 3, Sports Editor 4; Resident Advisor 3.
Novak, Glenn David: North Riverside, 111., Schick Speech Con-
test 1; Irioni Pagnai 2, 3; EC Theatre 1, 2, 3, 4; Chancel
Players 1, 2, 3, 4, Tour Manager 2, 3; Theta Alpha Phi 3, 4;
Orientation Committee 3; J-Board 3; SGA Constitution
Committee 2; Religious Life Vespers 3; Cultural-Intellectual
Life 3, Films Chairman 4; Dorm President 4; Senate 4;
Chairman Finance Committee of SGA 4; Men's Honorary 3,
4; Short Story Contest 2nd Place 3; Poetry Contest 3rd
Prize 3; Honor Society 3,4; Interdorm Council 4; Financial
Aid Committee 4; Honor Society Committee 4; Who's Who
Olsen, Robert Arnold: Downers Grove, 111., Transfer 3.
">stendorf, David: Godfrey, 111., Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Band 1,
President 2; President's Advisory Council 2, 3; Orientation
Committee 2, 3; Who's Who Selection Committee 2; Church
Relatedness Committee 3, 4; President's Committee on Col-
lege Governance 4; Men's Honorary 3, President 4; Commit-
tee of Student Affairs Ex-Officio 2, 3; Tutoring 1; Who's
Who 4; Elm Bark Editor 2,3.
Senior Index
Peters, Thomas: Griffith, Ind., Transfer 3.
Peterson, Linda Carol: Chicago, 111., Polyhymnia 1, 2, 3, 4,
Publicity 2, Assistant Business Manager 3 ; Interpretive Choir
1,2, 3, 4; Choral Union 1,2,3,4.
Porter, Janis: Elmhurst, 111., SEA 2, 3 , Vice-President 4.
Poteet, David: Lombard, III, Transfer 3.
Prather, Philip: Wooddale, 111., Transfer 3.
Pumphrey, Nancy: West Seneca, N.Y., Band 1; Choir 1, 3, 4;
Bell Choir 1,3; Religious 3; Cultural-Intellectual Life 3;
Tutoring 3.
Quackenbush, Robert Dean: Elmhurst, 111., Debate 2, 3; Pi
Kappa Delta President 3; Praetors 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3;
Transfer 2.
Ramsey, Jean: Elmhurst, 111., SNEA 2; Commuter Committee
1 ; Language Lab 3.
Rehr, William: LaGrange Park, 111., Transfer 3.
Reynolds, Lynda: Leaf River, 111., Band 1, 2; Polyhymnia 2;
Residence Council 2.
Roberts, Dean Owen: Hatboro, Pa., Squires 2, 3, Treasurer 4;
Gamma Theta Upsilon 3, 4, President 3; Social 2, Chairman
3,4; Union Board 3,4; Committee on Long Range Planning
4; Residence Council 1, 2; Dorm Vice-President 2;WRSE 1,
2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Lab Assistant 2, 3, 4; Who's
Who 4.
Rodriguez, Robert: Lombard, 111., WRSE Engineer 1, 2, 3,
Producer 2, 3, Newscaster 1, 2, 3, 4, News Director 3,
Assistant Chief Engineer 3, Station Manager 4; CUB Com-
mittee 3, 4.
Rooney, John: Norwalk, Ct., Athletic Life Committee 2, 4;
Squires 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 4; Football 4; Intramurals 1,
Rose, Donald Russell: Maywood, 111., Transfer 2; Baseball 2, 3,
Rosner, Shirley: Wooddale, 111., Christian Science Organization
2, 3, Treasurer 4; AWS Secretary 3; Dorm Treasurer 3,4;
Elms 2, Editor 3; Tutoring 3; SEA 3, President 4; WRSE
News Writer 2.
Rossi, Raymond: Highland Park, 111., Transfer 3.
Rota, Charles David: New Brighton, Minn., Glee 1, 2, 3, 4,
Vice-President 3; Cultural-Intellectual Life 2, 3; Union
Board Chairman 4; SGA Executive Committee 4; Commit-
tee on Student Affairs 4; President's Advisory Committee 4;
Honors Committee 4; Men's Honorary 3, 4; Who's Who 4.
Rutherford, David: Rockford, 111., Dorm Secretary-Treasurer 2;
Interdorm Council 3; Athletic Life Committee 4; Teacher
Education Committee 4.
Rutkowski, Richard: Chicago, lU., Schick Speech Contest 1;
Intramurals 1; J-Board 2; Dorm Secretary -Treasurer 3; Pi
Gamma Mu 3,4; Delta Mu Delta Vice-President, Secretary-
Treasurer 4.
Salerno, Carol: Franklin Park, 111., Transfer 2; EC Theatre 2, 3;
Commuter Relations 2, 3, 4; Campus Awareness 3; Inter-
dorm Council 3; Discretion Policy Committee 3, 4.
Schmidt, Michael James: Maywood, 111., SGA 2; Baseball 2.
Schreiber, Terry Leigh: Tonawanda, N.Y., Choir 1, 2, 3, 4;
Religious Life 1, 2; Inauguration Committee 1; Resident
Advisor 3; President's Advisory Committee 4.
Seibert, Penelope: Fox Lake, 111., Polyhymnia 1, 2, 3, 4, Public
Relation 2, Business Manager 4; Tutoring 2.
Shaffer, Susan: Elmhurst, 111., Hall Council 1; SCAD 2; Resi-
dence Council 3.
Sinn, Rochelle: Kewanne, 111., Transfer 2; Wing Rep 2;
Adelphae 3,4.
Slanina, Carolann: Berwyn, 111., Transfer 3; Adelphae 4.
Senior Index
Slansky, Jeny: Brookfield, 111., SGA 1; Golf 2; Dorm Social
Chairman 3; Social Life 3, Business Mgr. 4; Theatre One
Acts 2; Squires 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4;
Cheerleader 3.
Smeryage, Georgia Marie: Hoffman Estates, 111., Dorm Council
2; SEA 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2, President 3; Teacher Educa-
tion Committee 4; Intramurals 1.
Sneden, Roger: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 4.
Spain, Carole Jeanne: Darby, Pa., SEA 1; Hall Council 2, 3;
Dorm House Manager 3; AWS Legislative Board 2,3; Intra-
murals 1.
Steele, Linda Janet: Park Forest, 111., Sigma Alpha Eta 2,
Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; Adelphae 3, Service Chairman
4; AWS Judicial Board 3.
Sterly, Donald: Transfer 2; WRSE 3; Beta Beta Beta Vice-Presi-
dent 4.
Stolt, Linda: Elmhurst, 111., AWS 1, 2, 3, Commuter Board 4;
Tutoring 2; SEA 2, 3, 4, Publicity Chairman 3.
Storrs, Richard: Solon Mills, 111., Transfer 3; SEA 4; J-Board 4.
Strobl, Frederick Michael: ArUngton Heights, 111., Transfer 3;
Commuter Homecoming Float Committee 4; Table Tennis
Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles Champion 4; WRSE 4.
Studebaker, Hugh: Elmhurst, 111., Senator 2, 3; Commuter
Relations Committee Chairman 2, 3; EC Theatre 3; Praetors
3,4; CUB Committee 3; Class President 4; Who's Who 4.
Thomas, Bobbie E.: Elmhurst, 111., Band 3, President 4.
Thomas, Deborah Jean: Elmhurst, 111., Transfer 3; SEA 3,4.
Tovmsend, Dwight D.: Westmont, 111., Transfer 3.
Treichel, Robert: Chicago, lU., Football 1, 2.
Tucker, Floyd: Cicero, 111., Transfer 3.
Vallo, Dirke: West Chicago, III., Transfer 2; SNEA 3, 4.
Wegner, Dana: Elmhurst, 111., WRSE 1, 2.
Wichman, Barbara: Elmhurst, lU., Transfer 3; Sigma Alpha Eta
Wille, Arthur: Oconomowoc, Wise, Glee Club 1, Social Secre-
tary 2, Tour Manager 3, President 4; Varsity Quartet 2,3,4;
J-Board 2; Homecoming Show 2; EC Theatre 2.
Williams, Karyn Francis: Chicago, 111., Dorm Treasurer 1;
Tutoring 1, 2; Lab Assistant 2, 3, 4; Residence Council 3;
Concerned Black Students 3, 4; Resident Advisor 4; Repre-
sentative to Trustee Board 4; Psi Chi 4.
Wyant, Kenneth: Lansing, Mich., Senate 1; SGA Vice-President
3, President 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3; E-Club 2, 3, 4; President's
Advisory Council 3; Men's Honorary 3, 4.
Wyant, Rebecca Rodes: Buffalo, N.Y., Dorm Vice President 2;
Resident Advisor 3; Collegium 3, 4.
Yeisley, Robert: Elmhurst, 111., Squires 2, 3, Chaplain 4; Busi-
ness Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2.
Yoshinari, June: San Francisco, Calif., Polyhymnia 2, Publicity
Director 3, Interpretive Choir Director 4, Student Director
4; Residence Council 3; Judicial Board 4; CUB Committee
Zwetz, Janet: Washington, 111., Senior Women's Honorary
President 4; Dorm President 2; AWS Executive Board 2;
Interdorm Council 2; President's Advisory Council 2; Elm
Bark Associate Editor 1, 2.
After two years of required courses and introductions to
almost every department, the juniors, under the leader-
ship of president Michael Radzilowsky, vice-president
Merlanne Price, secretary Sandra Janowiak, and treasurer
Jane Criss, selected majors of value to their futures. On
May 2, the Junior Dinner-Dance was returned to a
downtown hotel and "A Toast to the City" was held in
the Knickerbocker. A midnight show followed at Happy
Linda Bennett
Albert Bergerson
Marty Berry
Judy Betz
Sharon Brasure
Marian Bruss
Bill Calahan
Teri Calkins
Joni Campanella
William Caprel
Tom Carlson
Gordon Chamness
Gayle Cisar
Rolanda Cislak
Marcella Clark
Sherry Cordes
Jane Criss
Susan Cullom
David Cullum
Gregory Cuyjet
Bryan Dagenhart
Pat Deem
Becky Devaughn
Barbara Dodds
Larry Eckholm
John Engman
Mark Erickson
Candace Ernest
Joyce Ferlazzo
Joanne Fiene
Jill Fraccaro
Mark Fransioli
Sandra Fujiwara
Cynthia Gall
Sharon Galuszka
Norm Granback
Gerrit Greve
Jorlyce Gunkel
John HaU
Nancy Hamilton
Terri Hemmert
Ric Hempel
Thomas Hilton
Greg Hoffenkamp
Bruce Hohnan
Ted Garriott
f» f
David Gaskill
Judy Geen
i ^
Cynthia Goeman
Andrew Goetz
t 1
Cathy Hanna
Nancy Hansen
James Hartigan
Robert Heck
John Heisler
Marilyn Holtzman
Roseann Hotz
David Jamba
Sandra Janowiak
David Jerger
Despite notorious sophomore slumps, the class
plodded through their second year with the
halfway mark beckoning in the distance. A holiday
inspired sophomore semi-formal, "Christmas Caba-
ret," brightened a wintry December and buoyed
sagging spirits before finals. The officers are:
president, Tim Lee, vice-president Marty Reif,
secretary-treasurer June Williams.
Duane Berg
Rob Bergmann
Mary Ellen Biljes
Sue Ackemann
Dave Anderson
Robert Atkins
Paulette Augustine
Robert Barnhart
Ruth Blomquist
Anthony Boone
Steve Bradford
Clarence Brister
Steven Brown
Maureen Bubert
Brad Bushman
George Caesar
Janice Carter
Judith Chapman
Rondi Charanvas
Peter Cheney
Ray Christiansen
Kathy Clark
Shirley Clark
Cathy Collins
Tara Concklin
Charles Cosimano
Jeanne Cotsones
Nadine Cushman
Roger Dahlstrom
Drew Daubenspeck
Karen Dauster
Bess Devere
Carole Eckwall
Susan Elenz
Donald Elfvin
June Elloie
Robert Erickson
Greg Fantozzi
Winnie Farley
Melissa Featherston
Colleen Fickler
Chris Finger
Paul Fischer
Tab Fulle
Frank Furlett
Carol Gavin
Mark Gehrke
Glen Gilchrist
Wayne Goranson
Carol Graham
Bill Gutenschwager
Holly Hageman
David Hagerbaumer
"Here's to our Alma Mater ..." The singing-
clapping of the fight song rang out and another
freshman class made it through orientation. The
future was made hectically confusing by the
rigors of a first registration and the onslaught of
first semester finals. To those who returned for
a happy new year, a future at Elmhurst became
more secure. The class was led by Karl Pitts,
president, Tom Clouser, vice-president, and
Beverly McKenney, secretary-treasurer.
Wayne Allen
Paul Amberg
Michelle Amelianovich
Connie Atwood
Cairn Bacon
Linnea Balk
Jeanne Baxter
James Beard
John Behan
Marilyn Behle
Kathy Boston
Robert Breidenbaugh
Susan Burdick
Arlene Buric
Debby Burket
Brenda Bell
Vallorie Belton
Deb Biersach
Karen Bondegard
Paul Boostrom
Pam DeNormandie
Judy DeVore
Donna DeVries
Kathryn Duzen
Diane Earle
Georgiana Elert
Wes Emberg
Larry Ernst
Jamil Essa
David Eustice
Greg Faber
Robert Faerber
Steven Fausch
Mirean Fisher
Francie Fjord
Pat Freeman
Anne Fricke
Emmanuel Gabriel
Steve Galantay
Alison Gildersleeve
Hugh Gillespie
Kathleen Glab
Hileria Godfrey
Sarah Goenne
Fon Gordon
Kathy Graham
Virginia Greco
Dave Greenstein
Steven Grever
Charles Gruber
Clarence Haas
Carl Hagstrom
Sherry Harper
Kathy Harris
Roger Harris
Sandi Miller
Robert Mogge
Elsie Moore
Laura Nathanson
Catherine Naumann
Leslie O'Brien
Bill O'Neill
Peter Osebre
Karen Ottenstein
Kathleen Owens
Doug Peine
Barbara Perkis
Linda Peterson
Sharon Pietrowski
Vincent Pinelli
Jim Quilty
Dale Raczkowski
Maria Ransom
Joe Ratzreck
Scott Rieger
Randy Riley
Joseph Rockey
Beverly Ruby
March Runner
Kathleen Russell
Richard Rytel
Dianne Samdahl
Roger Samonek
Bruce Schneider
Rich Schram
Charles Stevens
Kathryn Stone
Robert Stott
Nancy Szadde
Lorraine Taylor
Dianne Tucker
William VanHowe
Diane Vardalas
Frances Venzon
Linda Vigna
Peg Waara
David Wakefield
Jean Walters
Marilyn Walton
Gerald Warnke
Pat Washington
Greg Watson
Jane Wehmueller
Richard Wente
Sybil Wheat
Robert Wick
Scott Williams
Janice WUson
Carol Winters
Carol Woodliff
Ackemann. Sue Ann 58, 68, 69, 83, 185
Adams, James W. 152
Africk, Diane 152
Aggen, David John 107
Allen, Wayne C. 192
Allender, Robert 152
Alsaker, Nora 178
Amberg, Paul 192
Amelianovich, Michelle 192
Andersen, Edward 49
Anderson, David 185
Anderson, Lesley J- 74, 75, 152
Andre, Carolyn A. 45, 153
Andry, Russell J. 178
Angelacos, Sandra 178
Ashton, Barbara J. 68, 69, 153
Asmus, Pamela Jean 153
Atkins, Robert Alan 66, 98, 185
Atwood, Constance 192
Augustine, Paulette 52, 185
Austin, John 1 78
Avery, Cheryl 178
Avery. Craig S. 70, 178
Baab, Craig 153
Bacon, Cairn 192
Balk, Linnea 69, 192
Balling, William R. 153
Barnhart, Robert 185
Batura, Thomas 1 78
Baumann, Donald Edward 153
Baxter, Jeanne 66, 105, 192
Beard, James 49, 192
Beck, Mark Richard 1 78
Behan, John 192
Behle, Marilyn 73, 192
Behle, Patricia 45, 73, 1 78
Bell, Brenda30, 65, 193
Bell, James 94
Belton, Vallorie 193
Benakos, Brian 51, 98, 99
Benedict, Polly 1 78
Bennett, Linda 69. 1 79
Berg, Duane William 185
Berg. Harold Edwin 46, 91, 153
Bergeron, Albert 1 79
Berghorn, Douglas 64, 65
Bergmann, Robert A. 46, 94. 185
Bergstrom. George 51
Berri, Denise 64
Berry, Marcia 1 79
Bestwina, Joseph G. 50, 153
Betz, Judith 1 79
Bierker, Jerry Wayne 153
Biersach, Deborah 59, 74, 75, 193
Biljes, Mary Ellen 73,185
Bills, Robert 37,48
Bizer, Donald 49, 101
Bizer, John Robert 44, 46, 61, 101, 153
Blank, Ronald Lee 153
Blazevich. Charlene 52
Blomquist, Ruth 186
Boatright, Barbara 73, 153
Bondegard, Karen 193
Boone, Anthony 186
Boostrom, Paul 1 93
Borden, Dwight E. 153
Borger, Peter John 153
Boston, Kathleen 193
Bourque, Janet May 153
Bowie, Linda 30
Boyd, Frank A. 63, 65
Bracke. John M. 73, 153
Bradford, Stephen 46, 186
Bradshaw, George 50, 154
Brasure, Sharon 1 79
Bree, Judith 45. 154
Breidenbaugh, Robert 54, 56, 193
Brennan, Barry J. 154
Brennan, Kerin Ray 154
Brister, Clarence 186
Brouse, Susan 66, 6 7
Brown, Steven 186
Bruederle, Walter 66
Bruss, Marian 52, 1 79
Brusveen, James 51, 94, 107
Bryant, Ruth C. 154
Burdick, Susan 52, 193
BuricArlene 62, 69, 193
Burket, Debra 193
Bubert, Maureen 186
Buck, Mark Earl 48, 70
Bucy, Harry 51
Bushman, Bradford 186
Caesar, George 31, 107,186
Calahan, William 1 79
Caliendo, Bernadine 193
Calkins, Teri45, 74, 75, 79, 105, 179
Cameron, Paul Scott 100, 154
Campanella, Joni 1 79
Cannata, John 107
Caprel, William 51, 107, 179
Carberry, Joseph 101, 103
Cardoni, Robert 193
Carlson, Thomas 1 79
Carpenter, Pamela 154
Carson, Catharine 193
Carter, Janice 186
Chamberlin, Robert 66
Chamnes, Gordon 73, 179
Champion, Deborah 52
Charanvas, Judy 154
Charanvas, Ruangsak 186
Chase, Jody 193
Cheney, Peter 186
Cherwonick, William 154
Christiansen, Raymond 30, 70, 186
Chvatal, John 107
Cisar, Gayle Lynn 1 79
Cislak, Rolanda Lee 179
Ciuffo, Armand 154
Clark, Kathleen M. 186
Clark, Marcella 1 79
Clark, Shirley Ann 186
Clouser, Thomas 73, 192, 193
Coleman, Audrey 193
Collins, Catherine 52, 186
Concklin, Tara Lynn 74, 75, 186
Conley, Lawrence E. 154
Conley, David 193
Corbett, John 49, 193
Cordes, Sherry 1 79
Cosimano, Charles 42, 186
Cotsones, Jeanne 186
Craxton, David 1 93
Criss, Jane 58, 1 78, 1 79
Crois, John Henry 154
Crosby, Pauline 1 93
Cullom, Susan 1 79
Cullum, David 50, 1 79
Cunningham, Ellen E. 154
Cunningham, George 154
Cunningham, Rita A. 154
Curtin, Maureen Sally 52, 79
Cushman, Nadine 186
Cuyjet, Gregory 1 79
Cwik, Wayne 155
Cyranek, Mary Ann 193
Dagenhart, Bryan 1 79
Dahlstrom, Roger 48, 186
Dailey, Peter 91, 193
Damm, Virginia Mari 155
Darmstadt, Jeffrey 193
Daubenspeck, John 54. 55, 186
Dauster, Karen 58, 68, 69, 186
Davis, Joyce 193
Deem, Patricia 45, 79, 1 79
Dekok, Dale, 91, 193
Dembosz, Henry 50, 91
Denormandie, Pamela 193
De Vaughn, Becky 1 79
Devere, Bess Ellen 186
Devore, Judith 66, 73, 193
Devries, Donna 193
Dewey, Kenneth Fred 155
Dickey, Harriets. 155
Diedrich, Jane B. 155
Dodds, Barbara 1 79
Douglas, Cheryl 105
Duzen, Kathryn 100, 193
Earle, Diane 30, 193
Eckwall, Carole B. 73, 186
Edwards, Deborah, 74, 75
Eichmiller, Jeanett 155
Elenz, Susan Elizabeth 43, 186
Elert, Georgiana 73, 194
Elfvin, Donald 46, 91, 98, 99, 186
Elloie, June Marie 186
Emberg, Wesley 194
Engman, John 66, 103, 104, 179
Erickson, John 186
Erickson, Mark Eric 48, 1 79
Erickson, Robert K. 186
Ernest, Candace 79, 179
Ernst, Larry 101, 194
Essa, Jamil A. 194
Eustice, David 194
Evans, Susan 69
Eyrich, Jean Ann 45, 73, 155
Faber, Gregory 194
Faerber, Robert 54, 55, 56, 70, 194
Fantozzi, Gregory P. 103, 186
Farley, Winifred M. 52,187
Fausch, Steven 48, 194
Featherston, Melissa 187
Ferlazzo, Joyce 1 79
Fickler, Colleen K. 187
Fiene, Joanne Lynn 1 79
Filipski, Stephen 46, 103, 104
Finger, Christine 68, 69, 187
Finlayson, Margaret 155
Fischer, Paul R. 59, 70, 83, 187
Fisher, Mirean 194
Fjord, Frances 194
Fleming, Michael J. 156
Fodero, Judith 52, 156
Foley, Thomas John 37, 156
Follstad, CarlH. 46, 60, 152, 156
Foose, Robert M. 156
Foskett, William R. 156
Foster, Gloria May 156
Fraccaro, William 70, 180
Fransioli, Mark 180
Freeman, Patricia 73, 194
Fricke, Anne 52, 194
Friebus, Kathleen 68, 69
Fritz, Rebecca 37, 156
Froeschner, John 94
Fufiwara, Sandra 180
Fulle, Talbert 187
Furlett, Franklin 187
Gabriel, Emmanuel 194
Galantay, Stephen 51, 194
Gall, Cynthia 180
Gallas, Linda Lee 157
Galuszka, Sharon 180
Garriott, Ted 180
Gaskill, David 180
Gavin, Carol Anne 52, 187
Gaw, James 48
Geen, Judith 180
Gehrke, Mark 187
Geldbach, Carolyn 157
Gibbs, Robert Dale 31, 91
Gilchrist, Glen 187
Gildersleeve, A. 194
Gillespie, Hugh 194
Gills, John Fred 157
Glab, Kathleen 194
Glass, Patricia 157
Godfrey, Hileria 30, 194
Goeman, Cynthia 76, 180
Goenne, Sarah 59, 194
Goetz, Andrew 180
Goranson, Wayne 187
Gordon, Fon Louise 194
Gosh, Mary Russell 157
Graham, Carol 187
Graham, Kathleen 194
Granback, Norman 66, 67, 180
Greco, Virginia 194
Greenstein, David 1 94
Greeve, Gerrit Jan 76, 180
Grever, Steven 194
Grie singer, Margaret 157
Gruber, Charles 194
Gunkel, Jorlyce 180
Gutenschwager, Wm. 73, 187
Haas, Clarence 194
Hackbarth, David 157
Hageman, Holly 187
Hagerbaumer, David 37, 187
Hagstrom, Carlton 194
Hagstrom, Judith 188
Hall, Charlotte 52, 61, 158
Hall, Georgene Ann 188
Hall, John Chris 101, 103, 104, 180
Halverson, Paul 188
Hamilton, Mark Ian 31, 44, 46, 158
Hamilton, Nancy 180
Hamm, Robert C. 62, 63, 73, 158
Hammond, John Charles 158
Hanna, Kathy Jo. 180
Hans, Linda Marie 188
Hansen, David 56
Hansen, Nancy 68, 69, 180
Harper, Sherry 1 94
Harris, James 182
Harris, Kathy 66
Harris, Roger 1 94
Harris, Susan E. 188
Hartigan, James 180
Hartlein, Susan 52, 188
Haufe, Donald S. 50, 66, 67,158
Hayes, Carolyn 57, 195
Heck, Robert 180
Heininger, Marsha 30, 1 95
Heisler, John 76. 180
Hemmert, Terri 57, 180
Hempel, Richard 51, 108, 180
Heniff, Joseph 42, 188
Henson, Randal 1 95
Herlien, Kenneth 48
Hermanson, Kristine 52
Higginson, James 49
Hilton, Thomas 180
Hinchley, Marguerite 73
Hinchley, Marilyn 59, 66
Hobson, Jeffrey 1 95
Hoffenkamp, Greg 46, 98, 99, 180
Hoffman, Donald J. 158
Hollander, Gordon 51, 66, 67, 188
Holman, Bruce 66, 67, 180
Holman, Stuart T. 36, 44, 46, 110, 158
Holtgreve, Doris 66, 1 95
Holtzman, Marilyn 45, 180
Honsa, Roger 1 95
Hook, Ernest Lloyd 158
Hootman, Jan Ruth 158
Hoskins, Richard C. 158
Hotz, Richard Paul 98, 99, 110, 188
Hotz, Roseann 62, 73, 180
Hoy, Donald Arthur 158
Hughlette, Robert 195
Hutchins, Robert 188 *
Iliffe, William 158
Izor, Paul Herman 188
Jacobs, George 66
Jamba, David 180
Janice k, James 66, 67, 188
Janowiak, Sandra 111, 1 78, 180
Jemison, Steven 103
Jerger, David 36, 44, 180
Jerome, Mary 69
Jockheck, Anita 158
Johnson, Arthur A. 158
Johnson, Barbara 45
Johnson, Bruce 188
Johnson, Eric 181
Johnson, Janey Kay 158
Johnson, Patricia G. 105, 158
Johnston, Roy Allen 181
Jones, Laurence 37
Joseph, Sharon Dee 188
Jozwiak, LeRoy 188
Juske, Henry James 188
Just, Robert Newton 100, 181
Kaan, Ruth Adella 188
Kalbow, Wayne 181
Kalk, Nancy Lou 69, 188
Kalkbrenner, Judith 69
Kallman, Paul J 159
Kamper, Judith 45, 69, 159
Kanger, David Wayne 159
Kapner, Steve 196
Kappen, Dennis 51, 91, 196
Karau, Betty H. 159
Kaszak, Nancy 1 96
Katz, Richard 188
Kayanaugh, Judith 160
Kehl, Constance 37, 69, 196
Kelleher, Patricia 160
Kennedy, Sue Anne 160
Kennedy, Wayne M. 36, 37, 70, 160
Kerkstra, James 160
Kesting. William L. 70, 160
Khomphairi, Nonpag 160
Kieca, Karen 69, 76. 196
King. Kathleen 30. 196
Kinney. David Allen 48, 160
Kirch, Donald F. 189
Klaassen, Susan 196
Kling. Jeffrey 48, 181
Kmoch. Bruce 181
Knapp. Cheryl 196
Knisely. Nancy Lou 69, 196
Knopp. Diane Ruth 189
Knowles. P. Randall 67, 181
Koehler, Mary an 161
Koenig, Elsa 45, 73, 181
Kohl, Linda 74, 75, 196
Kolseth, Sherrie 196
Koshewa, Carol E. 181
Kraemer, Gary 91, 196
Kraft, Michael 189
Kraft, Patricia 37, 45, 181
Krakora, Linda H. 181
Krauth, Debra 66, 111, 196
Kreimeyer, Charleen 161
Krengel. Lawrence 161
Krengel, Mary 196
Krepel, David 91, 98, 99, 196
Kreutzer, James 110, 197
Krieger, Carolyn 197
Kroening, Karen 45
Krolak, Kathleen 37, 52, 161
Krueger, Donna 69
Krupicka, Diane R. 161
Kucera, Cynthia 181
Kuebler, Kenneth D. 36, 62, 63, 70, 82, 161
Kujawa, Kathryn 197
Kupper, Kay Ann 45, 105, 161
Kurth, John 197
Labovsky, Kathy 197
Lach, Diane 37
Lackey, Darnese 161
Laitas, Jeanne 181
Lake, Raymond 48
Langlas, Donald 70, 82, 181
Lamberty, Maureen 189
Lampman, Linda 161
Lancaster, Paul 48, 189
Langley, James 189
Laporte, Michael 197
Larson, Rhonda 52
Lash, Kerry Jo 189
Leach, Michael 181
Lecky, John 161
LeClerc, Joan 76, 189
Lee, Timothy 185, 189
Lewis, Barbara A. 76, 197
Lewis, Barbara J. 66, 189
Lhotak, Carol 182
Liuzzo, James 197
Livingston, Joe 182
Locke, Katherine 182
Loeper, Karen 111
Lofgren, Janet 161
Lohr, Joseph 161
Lomax, Sondra 30, 161
Loomer, John 161
Lucchesi, James 197
Lum, Peter 46, 50, 94, 181
Lumpkin, Charlois 30, 197
Lundgren, Ronald 37, 161
Lundquist, Christine 162
Lusero, James 91, 98, 99, 197
Maatman, Robert 100, 162
Mabil, Stephen 197
Maclean, Leslie 66, 6 7
Maclean, Priscilla 162
MacFarlane, Bob 189
MacGillis, Thomas 182
Mackay, Edith 1 62
Mackey, Charles 182
Mahler, Arnold 162
Mahn, Marcia 52
Main, Gail 197
Makell, Pamela 37, 65, 189
Marconi, Fran 189
Marinaccio, Katherine 162
Marines, Nicolette 197
Maronn, Bork 48, 182
Marshall, Harold 189
Marsico, Michael 31, 46, 91, 98, 99
Martin, Carol 182
Martin, Melissa 62, 100
Masek, George 162
Mason, Alan 48, 162
Mastro, Peter 50, 182
Materre, Louis 107
Mather, Victoria 74, 75,197
Mattox, Gail 197
May field, Joan 52
McBryde, Maxine 182
McCargo, Michael 31, 197
McClain, Edwin 189
McCord, Harry 103,197
McCoy, Sharon 162
McConaughy, David 162
McDaniels, Elinore 45, 182
McGehee, Robert 54, 55, 189
McKenney, Beverly 192, 197
McLean, Thomas 197
McNelf William 197
McNerney, Christine 197
Mead, Robert 189
Megen, Ronald 197
Meiners, John 66, 197
Melichar, Wm. 197
Mellish, William 197
Menzel, Raymond 182
Mernitz, Craig 31, 48, 91, 108, 197
Mernitz, Scott 48, 91, 162
Merritt, Carol 79
Merz, Robert 50, 101, 189
Messett, Sandra 189
Metskas, Cathleen 62, 64, 65
Meyer, Betty 1 62
Meyer, Lawrence 1 62
Meyer, Nancy 197
Meyer, Ronald 197
Meyer, Thomas 189
Meyers, Ronald 48
Micek, Marilyn 189
Miceli, Louis 107
Middleton, Booker 182
Midgley, Janet 45, 162
Migliore, Brodie 189
Miklos, Gerald 182
Miller, Peter 162
Miller, Raymond 55
Miller, Karl 44, 70, 182
Miller, Sandra 198
Minhinnick. Richard 182
Mogge, Robert 198
Moktarian, Sahla 189
Montanari, Loretta 162
Moore, Elsie 198
Moreau, Tim 189
Mosher, Catherine 52, 59, 189
Moyer, David 44, 46, 60, 94, 96, 163
Murdock, Phil 107,189
Nathanson, Laura 198
Natzke, Kirk 189
Naumann, Catherine 198
Neylon, Gregory 182
Nickerson, Kay 52
Nolan, Jeanne 189
Novak, Glenn 30, 37, 42, 44, 64, 163
O'Brien, Leslie 74, 75, 198
Oku, Donna 52
Olsen, Robert 163
ONeill, William 198
Osebre, Peter 198
Ostendorf, David 44, 163
Ottenstein, Karen 76, 1 98
Owen, David 56
Owens, Kathleen 198
Palm, John 46
Park, Norman 182
Park, Pam 37, 190
Parsons, Christopher 64, 164
Patchak, Sharon 37, 66
Patrick, Lynda 190
Pattison, Meril 45, 182
Paul, Jerry 70, 190
Peine, Douglas 198
Pergander, Leonard 1 90
Perkis, Barbara 100, 198
Perry, Jeffrey 182
Peters, James 36, 46, 94, 95, 107, 182
Peters, Thomas 164
Peterson, Linda 198
Peterson, Linda C. 68, 69, 164
Petrowsky, Cheryl 52, 182
Pharmer, William 182
Phillips, Kirk 190
Phillips, Rosie 190
Pierson, Tamra 164
Pietrowski, Sharon 198
Pinderski, Robert 190
Pinelli, Vincent 55, 198
Pitts, Karl 192
Poltrock, Melanie 66, 190
Posterick, Barbara 190
Pransky, Dennis 164
Pransky, Kathleen 190
Prather, Philip 1 64
Price, Merlanne 52, 1 78, 182
Princen, Scott 66, 67, 91, 190
Pumphrey, Nancy 73, 164
Purdom, Charles 51, 107
Pryjma, John 56, 57
Pyrz, Robert 183
Quackenbush, Robert 50, 164
Quilty, James 49, 76, 198
Raczkowski, Dale 198
Radzilowsky, Michael 44, 46, 48, 103, 104,
178, 183
Rakos, Charles 50
Ramey, Carl 30, 70, 190
Ramsey, Jean 165
Ramsson, Robert 165
Ransom, Maria 198
Rasche, Margaret 73, 183
Raspanti, Thomas 46, 91, 107, 183
Ratzreck, Joe 198
Readings, Thomas 165
Redfield, John 66, 67
Reichel, Elizabeth 52
Reif, Martin 30, 60, 70, 185, 190
Reinwald, Richard 73, 183
Reiser, Patty 52, 190
Reiter, Dean 64
Reynolds, Linda 165
Richards, Daniel 91
Richmond, Curt 190
Rieger, Scott 198
Riley, Randy 48, 108, 198
Rinella, Darlene 45, 76, 165
Ritter, Susan 190
Roberts. Dean 31, 48, 165
Roberts, Richard 165
Robertson, Pauline 65, 100
Robinson, Donald 91, 183
Rockey, Joseph 76, 198
Rodriquez, Robert 54, 55, 165
Roefer, David 110
Rooney, John 48, 152, 166
Roos, Carol 45, 68, 69
Roseii, Donald 166
Rosner, Shirley 166
Rossi, Raymond 166
Rota, David 36, 44, 70, 82, 166
Roucka, Bill 190
Ruby, Beverly 198
Rudy, Donald 50, 190
Runner, March 1 98
Russell, Gregory 183
Russell, Kathleen 198
Rutherford, David 166
Rutkowski, Richard 166
Rytel, Richard 73, 198
Saavedra, Richard 190
Sadberry, Arlene 30
Saems, Constance 183
Saenger, Eric 59
Salerno, Carol 166
Sails, Alayne 183
Samdahl, Diane 198
Samonek, Roger 73, 198
Samuelson, Barbara 183
Sanderson, Sandy 64
Santamaria, Lillian 111
Santose, Kristin 190
Sauter, Peter 94, 190
Schirmang, Sandra 183
Schmidt, Michael 166
Schmidt, Thomas 44, 46, 59, 103, 105, 183
Schmitt, Kathryn 183
Schmutzler, Diane 1 90
Schneider, Bruce 198
Schneider, Margaret 69, 183
Schoewe, Phyllis 36, 66 190
Scholl, Terrence 50, 190
Schram, Keith 60, 79, 94, 183
Schram, Richard 198
Schreiber, Terry 73, 166
Schubert, Dan 91
Schuff, Earl 70, 166
Schultz. James 107
Schultz, Nancy 199
Schumacher, Gerald 190
Schutt, Donald 183
Scott, Charlotte 30, 111
Scott, Cynthia 199
Scott, Mattie 199
Scott, Stephen 199
Sebastian, Walter 183
Seibert, Penelope 69, 166
Seiple, Rae 183
Sembly, Emma 199
Sengs tacke, Helena 183
Sepanski, Virginia 45, 73, 183
Seyfert, David 199
Shaffer, Susan 166
Sheehan, Jan 44, 56, 183
Shearin, Moneta 190
Sickbert, Bryan 70, 190
Siml, Anita 183
Simley, Donald 199
Simmons, Deborah 190
Simon ton. Donna 62
Simpson, Yvonne 166
Sims, John 66
Sinn, Rochelle 166
Skala, Gerald 190
Slanina, Carolann 52, 166
Slansky, Jerry 48, 167
Smania, Deborah 199
Smeryage, Georgia 167
Smith, Anita 199
Smith, Bryan 110
Smiley, Clifton 183
Smith, Craig 108
Smith. Daniel 55, 199
Smith, Donna 190
Smith, Semanthie 199
Smith, Seth 31, 103, 183
Smith. Sharleen 73, 199
Sneden, Roger 167
Sonnenberg, Steven 183
Spain, Carole 167
Spearing, Elizabeth 199
Speck, Susan 191
Spies, Jennifer 183
Spikes, Frank 191
Spina, Valerie 183
Spinelli, Michael 1 91
Spriggs, Sharon 199
Stahlhut, Mark 37 44, 70, 183
Stamatakos, Chrys 1 91
Stebel, Marlcne 191
Steeb, Mary 69, 191
Steele, Linda 168
Stephens, Jennifer 30, 69, 191
Stephens, Nancy 30. 58, 191
Sterka. Helen 66, 199
Sterly, Donald 168
Stevens, Charles 49. 56, 57, 62, 66, 67, 70, 200
Stock, Lorli 73
Stolze, Brenda 191
Stone, Kathryn 200
Stonecipher, Joan 168
Stoors, Richard 168
Storoe. Sandra 168
Stott. Robert 200
Strobl. Frederick 168
Stude baker, Hugh 152. 168
Szadde. Nancy 200
Talley, Ruth 183
Tastad, Linda 183
Taylor, Lorraine 250
Tazelaar, Helen 184
Templeton, Terry 48, 184
Templin, James 50, 184
Teschner, John 50, 185
Tesky, Kerry 45, 68, 69, 76, 184
Thaagaard, Lynn 108
Theagaard, Lynn 168
Themely, Sandra 191
Thoma, Jeffrey 51, 108
Thomas, Bobbie 169
Thomas, Deborah 169
Thomas, George 3 7
Thrasher, Roy Earl 31
Throne. Joel 184
Tocco, Horatio M. 73
Treichel, Robert C. 169
Trink, Pamela 52, 184
Troka, Jere 169
Tronsen, Alan 58, 59, 184
Trosen, James 184
Trosen, Wallace 48
Trout, Susan 184
Tucker, Dianne 250
Tucker, Floyd 169
Turek, Richard 184
Uebele, Marianne 184
Ullman, Robert 46, 60, 70, 101, 191
Usher, Patricia 76, 191
Vallo, Dirke Martin 169
Vanderstuyf Ronald 48, 169
Vanhowe, William 200
Vardalas, Diane 52, 200
Venson, Frances 200
Victor, David 51, 107
Vigna, Linda 200
Vollman, Dave 66, 67
Voltz, Daniel 191
Warra, Peg 58, 200
Wagner, Bryan 51, 94, 184
Wakefield, David 200
Walezak, Patricia 191
Walker, Christopher 48
Walter, Kuston 189
Walters, Jean 200
Walton, Marilyn 36, 66, 200
Warnke, Gerald 51, 200
Washington, Patricia 201
Watson, Gregory 201
Watson, Mary Edith 169
Weber, Grace Anne 1 70
Weber, Ileen 45
Wegner, Dana Marc 1 70
Wehmueller, Jane 66, 201
Wente, Richard 201
West, Alan 184
Westerberg, George 1 70
Wheat, Sybil 201
Whiston, William 46, 108
White, Daryl 50, 1 70
White, Kerry 76
Wichman, Barbara 1 70
Wick, Robert 51, 201
Willard, Patricia 184
Wille, Arthur H. 70, 82, 1 70
Wille, Charlotte 30
Williams, Bennie 66, 6 7
Williams, Constance 191
Williams, June 66, 185, 191
Williams, Karen 191
Williams, Karyn Frances 1 70
Williams, Lynda 191
Williams, Marcia 184
Williams, Scott 201
Wilson, Janice 69, 201
Wilson, Timothy W. 1 71
Wimberly, Fern 66
Wimberly, Maurice 66, 73
Winslow, Janet 184
Winters, Carol 201
Wittenberg, George 184
Wolfe, Elsie Moore 1 71
Wood, Gloria 191
Woodliff Carol 66, 73, 201
Wright, Charles 70, 201
Wyant, Kenneth 36, 44, 110, 171
Wyant, Rebecca Rhodes 1 71
Yarosh, Dennis M. 171
Yarosh, Diane 52, 191
Yeisley, Robert E. 48, 1 71
Yochim, Scott 184
Yoshinari, June 68, 69. 83, 1 71
Zakovic, Gary 50, 184
Zappe, Thomas 66, 67, 184
Zimmerman, Kenneth 73
Zoubek, Kathleen 52
Zuehsow, Linda 62, 73
Zupan, Bruce 201
Zupan, Martin 184
Zwetz, Janet Lynn 45, 1 71
It required much unseen energy and
cooperation to complete this year's edi-
tion of the Elms. To all those associated
with this volume, I express my sincere
thanks and appreciation. . ^
Nancy Stephens
1969 Editor
The Elms Staff
Mr. Joe Feehan
Mrs. G. Edward Harris
Mrs. "Pete" Langhorst
Paul Madalinski — artist
E. C. Public Relations Staff
Mr. Richard Wedemeyer
Photo Credits
Compro, Inc.
Dave and Marilyn Fornell — color
Press Publications
Scott Princen
Root Photographers
Eric Saenger
Doug Sengstacke
Tom Schmidt
Nancy Stephens